Robert Robinson #87
Robert Robinson was born in Washington DC and reared in Alexandria, Virginia. Having attended Charles Houston Elementary, Parker Gray Middle and George Washington High, he graduated from TC Williams in 1972.
He graduated from Towson University in 1976 with a degree in Business Administration, and received a Masters in Business Administration from Morgan University in 1980.
He has chosen Baltimore, as his place of residence. He likes the area to the extent of turning down promotions to stay in the area.
He began working for insurance companies and in a short time was elevated to management. When asked why insurance, he states it had amenities that he could get use to. It was the only job he could find that had a Company car, Expense Accounts, and hours of wining and dining clients.
He was elevated to a management position in 1978. Currently he works for AIG Insurance Company in Hunt Valley Maryland.
He has one child, Courtney, who is a sophomore at Penn State University. He is currently married to the former Robin M. DeWitt and they have two children, Morgan and Jordan.
When asked about his philosophy in life, he believes that you should always remember that wherever gains you may make in life, you did not do it alone. Someone helped you. One must give back to society a portion of time and assets to assist others coming behind you.